Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Annotated Bibliography

Fisher, S. D., J. L. Reynolds, and C. E. Sheehan. "The Protective Effects of Adaptability, Study Skills, and Social Skills on Externalizing Student-Teacher Relationships." Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 24.2 (2015): 101-10. Web.
            In this academic journal, the positive relationships between teachers and students are explored. When students have a positive relationship with their teacher their adaptability to the class increases, as well as, their social skills and their study skills. These positive relationships with teachers move to create a more positive atmosphere between them and their students. By creating this positive atmosphere in the classroom, it becomes a better place for more students to want to learn and feel comfortable learning. I plan to use this article to show how positive relationships between students and teachers create a better learning environment for the students and how this relationship positively effects the students.

Wang, Feihong, Kevin A. Leary, Lorraine C. Taylor, and Melissa E. Derosier. "Peer and Teacher Preference, Student-Teacher Relationships, Student Ethnicity, And Peer Victimization In Elementary School." Psychology in the Schools 53.5 (2016): 488-501. Web.
In this academic journal, the student-teacher relationship is further looked into. It is looked at to see if the students who have a relationship with a teacher are the ones that experience being bullied throughout their time at school. It is also looked into to see if a student’s “popularity” effects the whether or not they have a relationship with their teacher. I plan to use this article to show if there are any positive or negative effects to student-teacher relationships.

Matzat, U., and E.m. Vrieling. "Self-regulated Learning and Social Media--- a ‘natural Alliance”? Evidence on Students ‘Self-regulation of Learning, Social Media Use, and Student-teacher Relationship." Learning, Media and Technology 41.1 (2015): 73-99. Web.
In this academic journal, the idea that social media can effect a student and their learning is examined. Instead of it just being on the effects of social media on a student, it is also looked further into to see if a teacher can have an effect on a student if social media is getting in the way of their studies. It is also examined to see that if students can learn through self-regulated learning through some form of media. I plan to use this study to show if there is any type of correlation between social media and teachers in a student’s daily life.

Thijs, Jochem, and Fenella Fleischmann. "Student-teacher Relationships and Achievement Goal Orientations: Examining Student Perceptions in an Ethnically Diverse Sample." Learning and Individual Differences 42 (2015): 53-63. Web.
In this academic journal, a study was done to see how student who have a relationship with their teachers do in school. Throughout the study, it was found that students who have a positive relationship with their teachers do better in school because they create goal plans and want to achieve in school. I plan to use this article to show how positive effects of student-teacher relationships effect a student and create a more motivated learning style for them.

Mcfarland, L., E. Murray, and S. Phillipson. "Student-teacher Relationships and Student Self-concept: Relations with Teacher and Student Gender." Australian Journal of Education 60.1 (2016): 5-25. Web.

In this academic journal, it is further examined that student-teacher relationships really do benefit a student’s motivation, behavior, and cognitive skills. These type of relationships can play a large role in a student’s social and emotional level throughout their years of schooling. It is also examined that there are three important aspects to a student-teacher relationship. Those aspects are closeness, conflict, and dependency. I plan to use this article to show the importance of and effects of student-teacher relationships.

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